Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hungry on Thanksgiving

Here is “Sharing a Meal,” a 14x18 scratchboard art etching depicting a child eating from a chicken’s plate.  What inspired me to do this piece was learning that worldwide a child dies just about every five seconds of hunger? There are about 16,000 deaths from hunger related causes daily. Even in the richest nation in the world one in four children is vulnerable for food deprivation in America. These sobering statistics are worth thinking about as we “gobble, gobble” on Thanksgiving Day. There are many ways to respond to hungry children’s needs during the Holidays. I chose to make a pledge to “No Kid Hungry”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Oath

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." This was the oath taken by our 44th President, Barack Obama. In my scratchboard etching, “The Oath,” I’ve attempted to capture the fragility of the act when Lincoln’s bible rested delicately within Michelle Obama’s grasp and upon which Barack Obama gently placed his hand. These moments of fragility were also quite fleeting in that the euphoria and the widespread adulation felt toward our new President would soon be replaced by hysterical acrimony and doubt about his capacity to effectively carry out the very words he recited. Despite a currently rancorous and hostile national drumbeat, what is not fragile or fleeting are the very qualities for which our young President was so highly praised when he was elected. His strength, intelligence and dignity are constant, and for that I join the multitude of Americans who remain confident that the country and the Constitution are in safe hands.